Model ULTM


Model ULTM is a level transmitter with embedded cellular communications. This product is fit for any site where SMS is available and features flexibility for customized alerts and reports. It features a cellular (GSM) link for transmission of measured data, supporting SMS and GPRS, as well as a USB for quick set up and local monitoring. The Model ULTM provides periodic reports on the hour, and SMS reports to assigned personnel on demand. There are no on-going fees for this model’s control software due to complete data ownership. It houses an embedded, as well as an optional external temperature sensor, making it ideal for situations where rapid temperature variations may occur. The Model ULTM is a costeffective solution perfect for remote monitoring in applications such as fuel theft detection and river flood alerts.

Model ULTM is ideal for managing fuel tanks at remote sites for various uses such as fuel theft and leakage detection, inaccurate refueling, and continuous inventory with the use of the programmable switch tracking. Due to its low power option with the use of external battery, it features a long battery life based operation. The Model ULTM can be useful for wastewater monitoring, 24/7 monitoring of sewer junctions, and identification of overflow or blockage. The Model ULTM requires no road digging and is fit for harsh weather conditions, making installation simple in a variety of locations.


  • Does not include SIM card or any cellular package.

  • Works with AT&T and T-Mobile SIM cards in the U.S. Please make sure it will work will your cellular carrier before purchasing.

  • Must be a mini-SIM card.

  • ULTM only supports one accessory at a time.

  • External battery not included.

Model 264 传感器在全球的安装数量已高达上百万只,是HVAC 楼宇自动化、高精度医药和卫生保健设施中低压差测量应用的“标准”产品。Model 264 型超低差压传感器使用闭端不锈钢焊接电容感应元件,仅要求极小的放大倍率,可为各类关键安装应用提供出色的精度和长期可靠性。Model 264 采用稳固设计,使用黄铜倒钩接头、卡轨安装架、以及可选的导管盖,可实现简单、稳定的安装。特性·**支持10 PSI 超压·安装方便·0~5VDC 或4~20mA 模拟输出·误接线全保护·使用非调整直流电源供电·满足CE 标准应用·暖通空调(HVAC)·能源管理系统·VAV 及风扇控制·洁净工程·OEM·实验室及通风橱控制·烘箱增压及炉通风控制·医疗仪器及设备