Series 90 Conveyors



Wide retracting band system Series 90 is a purpose-designed conveyorized system for fast and efficient inspection of multi-lane light to medium weight dry bakery and confectionary products and packs

Minimize risk of product recalls
Choose from 3 Safeline R-Series metal detectors with proven reliability to deliver consistent, high sensitivity to all metal types.

Increased OEE
Rapid set-up & high reliability deliver maximum uptime. High speed retracting band keeps rejected volume to a minimum with single row rejection.

Easy integration
Wide fixed/variable speed conveyor belt with auto tracking as standard and small end roller enable easy integration into production lines.

Model 264 传感器在全球的安装数量已高达上百万只,是HVAC 楼宇自动化、高精度医药和卫生保健设施中低压差测量应用的“标准”产品。Model 264 型超低差压传感器使用闭端不锈钢焊接电容感应元件,仅要求极小的放大倍率,可为各类关键安装应用提供出色的精度和长期可靠性。Model 264 采用稳固设计,使用黄铜倒钩接头、卡轨安装架、以及可选的导管盖,可实现简单、稳定的安装。特性·**支持10 PSI 超压·安装方便·0~5VDC 或4~20mA 模拟输出·误接线全保护·使用非调整直流电源供电·满足CE 标准应用·暖通空调(HVAC)·能源管理系统·VAV 及风扇控制·洁净工程·OEM·实验室及通风橱控制·烘箱增压及炉通风控制·医疗仪器及设备